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Senior High Retreat 2023


Love, Sex, Relationships, and the Kingdom of God

Christians today live in the midst of a sex-obsessed culture. This session will look at different ways of understanding love, sex, and relationships so that we can take a fresh look at the Gospel’s more hopeful vision for intimate relationships.

Option Session

Identity Crisis

Being a teenager can be tough, and that finding your identity in a world that offers so many different options can be challenging. During this session, we'll explore what it means to find our identity in Christ and how it can guide us.

Option Session

Nothing to Prove

Escaping the performance based identity.

Option Session

What is Your Concern?

The world’s primary concern is itself. As believers navigating the world, we must re-evaluate what's important to us, we must ask what is my concern?

Option Session

Creativity and Calling

How to be an Influence in our world

Option Session

You are an Influencer

How To Live An Impactful Life

Option Session

What’s the Point In Waiting?

An Honest Conversation About Sex.

Option Session

Being Faithful While Waiting On God

We are given the loving command to bring all of our cares, concerns, anxieties, and requests to God. So, what do we do in the meantime?

Option Session

The Hell with Life

It’s easy to get upset at God, and want to quit as we seek the answer to “why did this happen?” If you are going through a difficult season, or still wrestling with the last storm you were in, this talk might give you a new perspective.

Option Session

Interpreting the End

Tools for Reading Revelation with grace and hope.

Option Session

God and the Gay Christian?

In this session we will be answering questions in order to bring clarity to an issue that is at the forefront of our cultural moment.

Option Session

Hanging onto your faith after High School

So many of our Christian friends lose track of their faith in the years after high school but that doesn’t have to be your story!

Option Session

Building a Discipling Relationship With A Teen

How do we build that relationship in a healthy and effective way? And what safeguards do we need to put in place so that the relationship is safe for you and the youth worker?

Youth Worker Session

Our Partners / Sponsors (full list)