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Youth Quake@Home 2022


YQatHome 2022 - Session 1 - A Forever Home

The word home means something different to all of us. Jesus talks about a different kind of home that God will make with us. This is the first of three main sessions from YQ@Home 2022.

Main Session

YQatHome 2022 - Session 2 - A Home For Everyone

What does it take to be a part of God’s family? Jesus has a different answer than the religious people in Luke 15. We ask who is invited into God’s home, and what does Jesus teach us about people who are not like you? Part 2 of YQ@home 2022

Main Session

YQatHome 2022 - Session 3 - A Father's Heart

In our final instalment from YQ@Home 2022, what can we learn from the conversation between the older brother and the father in the Prodigal Son?. We ask about our pride, our stubbornness and the love of the Father.

Main Session

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