All-Inclusive registrations are SOLD OUT.   Get on the wait list      We have around 100 day passes left.

YQ Registration FAQ

Students in grades 7 - 12. You must be currently enrolled in that grade to attend. No exceptions will be made.

Sr. High Retreat: Grades 9 - 12
Jr. High Retreat: Grades 7 - 9

You can register online by visiting the Youth Quake website.
Registration opens December 15th, 2023 and closes Friday, May 3, 2024 for the Sr. High retreat and Friday, April 19, 2024 for the Jr. High retreat.

For group leaders, check if your youth group or church has been to Youth Quake in the past by using our group search tool to find out! If your group has attended in the past you can reset the password and main email address. 

All groups who have attended in the last 2 years will get an email on registration open day, December 15th and receive their Group ID to reactivate their group. 

We accept individual and group registrations for our Sr. High event, however for Jr. High, we only accept group registrations. If registering as an individual, please use the Individual Registration form and do not go through the group portal.

  • We only accept individual registrations for our Sr. High event. Please note that you must pay in full when you register. 
  • For Sr. High, we will connect all individual retreaters with a current Briercrest student and other individual retreaters to hang out with over the weekend!

We recommend a ratio of 7:1 for students to leaders for the weekend, but you will know what your group requires for a retreat weekend away. Our volunteers do not stay in the dorms with you and your group so dorm supervision is the responsibility of each group leader.

We require a group leader in each dorm (male and female) they have students staying.


  • If you have 5 male students and 7 female students you are required to have 1 female leader and 1 male leader.
  • If you have 8 female students you are required to have a minimum of 1 female leader.


This year the first MALE and FEMALE youth leaders get free registration. Additional youth workers will pay the current registration rate.

The amount you pay depends on the time of registration. We have 2 rates, the early bird (December 15th - February 15th) and the regular rate (February 15th - Registration close). 

If you do not pay in full but you filled out the registration form during the early bird rate you will pay the regular rate.

Youth Quake is an all-inclusive weekend. Your registration includes meals, concerts, accommodations, and all events for the weekend-everything except transportation to Youth Quake, any merch you would like to purchase, and extra snacks or drinks throughout the weekend.

Yes. If you are local, Moose Jaw, Caron, Mortlach, Caronport, etc. you are eligible for our Base Event Rate. This rate does not include dorm accommodation or meals. Retreaters paying this rate will only participate in the option session activities, main sessions and concerts. These students will receive an event bracelet to reflect this status and must wear it during the event. 

Please call the Youth Quake office to apply for this rate.

Yes, but for a limited time and not for pre-purchased registrations (see below). All refund requests will be charged a $50.00 administration fee. Please submit refund requests to

  • Sr. High -Youth Quake does not administer refunds after Friday, April 19, 2024 12:00 PM for this retreat.
  • Jr. High - Youth Quake does not administer refunds after Friday, May 3, 2024 12:00 PM for this retreat.

If you find yourself facing extenuating circumstances and need to request a refund after registration closing day (listed above) please contact our office to obtain a Refund Request Form. These requests will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

Youth leaders may pre-purchase registrations for their group during the Early Bird rate to get the best price for their students. Pre-purchased registrations must be paid in full and are not eligible for refunds. 

You will pay for a set amount of YQ registrations, pay in full, and assign registrations to members of your group as your students confirm.

Yes, you can make changes to your group dashboard until registration officially closes. After registration closes, a $50 administration fee will be charged for any remaining changes to your group dashboard.

Reminder: Registration closes Friday, April 19, 2024 for the Sr. High retreat, and Friday, May 3, 2024 for the Jr. High retreat.

Once you create a new group you will receive a GroupID.

Activate Retreat & Member Registration
Log into your account right away and activate which retreat(s) you plan to attend.

The give your GroupID to each of your students so when they register they automatically get placed in your group. We'll notify you by email whenever a student registers as part of your group and you will be able to see their registration information on your leader dashboard. 

Payment: When you set up your group, you'll have two options for payment, whichever you select will be the same for both retreats:

  1. All group members pay individually when they register.
  2. Group pays for all registrations. 

**Please ensure that you communicate to your retreaters the method you prefer. Remember that your registration fee will depend on the date of payment, not the date of registration. We cannot process registrations until we receive payment.

Waivers: Members of your group must fill out a waiver if they wish to participate in all YQ activities. Retreaters under the age of 18 need to fill out the four page Youth and Parent Waiver and anyone 18+ will need to fill out the Adult Waiver. These waivers must be completed, signed, and witnessed to be valid. 

When your group arrives to check in on the first day of YQ, look for one of the lines that says "Registered Groups". Send a Youth Worker to check in and pick up your information package, then come back to your group and give a wrist band to each person-both students and youth workers. Your information package will have maps of the campus and a handbook for the weekend for each person. The handbook tells you what is going on throughout the weekend and gives you information on when and where those things will be happening.


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